Pale Ale and IPA
Is your Pale Ale just an IPA lite?

Jessica: This tastes a bit like an IPA.
Paul: Yes, the line between IPA and pale ale can be a bit blurry.
TV news anchor: Super model Bonny M announced today that she is taking Lighty Light to court for their TV beer ads featuring her.
Jessica: So, if it is crazily hoppy, I call it IPA, and if it's only bitter, I call it pale ale?
Paul: Err... do you work in marketing?
Super model on TV: Ever since I was in those ads, I cannot meet any interesting guys anymore.
Jessica: So an IPA is a pale ale light?
Paul: Technically you could say that, but that suffix is not favorable...
Max screams as he falls over with his chair: Aaargh!
Super model on TV: Only those dumb boring lite beer drinkers keep hitting on me! It's a real pain!
Max, lying on the floor: She called my *gasp* favorite pale... *groan* light...!
Paul, kneeling by Max' side: Here, smell the fresh hops...
Jessica: A bit squeamish, are we?
Tags: IPA Lighty Light ad pale ale