For connoisseurs
Some beers got everything, and from everything the most!

Max, Paul, and Jessica sit on the couch when Max brings out a bottle of beer.
Max: Try this one! It's the absolute ultimate uber craft beer!
Max: A highly imperial...
Paul: Read: alcohol clubs you over the head.
Max: ...hopped to the brim...
Paul: Bitter as some icy winter winds.
Max: ...refreshingly tart...
Paul: Makes your toenails curl.
Max: ...habanero infused...
Paul: Burns right through your throat.
Max: ... super craft beer!
Max drinks, gets clubbed on the head by a hammer, spits fire, has steam coming from his ears, has his toenails curl, and slides off the couch.
Max, on the floor, happily panting: It's for connoisseurs.