Tastes like single infusion

Paul and Max are having a beer.
Paul: Ok, step infusion was harder than we thought, but hopefully it will taste good. Cheers!
Max, taking a sip: Tastes like single infusion mash.
Tags: mashing
Comics on (craft) beer, brewing, and everything else
New comic on Fridays when I feel like it
Paul and Max are having a beer.
Paul: Ok, step infusion was harder than we thought, but hopefully it will taste good. Cheers!
Max, taking a sip: Tastes like single infusion mash.
Tags: mashing
Permanent link to this comic: https://beercomics.com/comics/tastes-like-single-infusion.html
Image URL for embedding: https://beercomics.com/comics/tastes-like-single-infusion.png