Old homebrewer vs newbie at the homebrewer's meeting

Experienced homebrewer hands the waitress some money: Thanks for hosting our meeting. Here, this is for the tip jar.
Newbie gets a beer: Who knows what people will bring? I better get a pint of my favorite strong double IPA before the meeting starts.
Experienced homebrewer, as he gets some beer: Thanks, that's enough. Just sampling.
Newbie as he gets some beer: Fill it up, man! I can taste much better from a full glass! These sampling glasses are way too small anyway!
Experienced homebrewer, tasting the beer: Hm, interesting malt aroma. Did you use Carared? Maybe about 5%? Some Caramunich?
Newbie downing the pint he bought and the sample: Awesome! I'll taste it again in just a second! Almost done here!
Experienced homebrewer: Lots of solid wheat beers, and there was that one IPA with a really interesting twist on the hops.
Newbie, quite buzzed: Heck yeah! 30 beers in just 2 hours! I rock! No idea what those beers were or how they tasted, but hey, free is free!
Experienced homebrewer: You guys wanna go to the brewpub around the corner for dinner?
Newbie, plastered: Duuuude! You guys are some hooch hounds, amirite?
Caption: Experienced homebrewer vs newbie at the meeting.
Tags: meeting