Boring birthday beer
Is it free if you had to buy the glass? Can you still complain if you don't like the style?

At BeerCraftery's 3rd anniversary party, Paul and Max got their free birthday beer.
Max: Yuck, some boring pils or such. And they call that their special anniversary beer?
Paul: I like it...
Max, getting up: I'll go complain. Free beer or not, if it's 3rd anniversary that beer needs to have 3 kinds of hops.
Paul, waiting for Max to return: Oh my...
Paul, as Max comes back: And? What did they say?
Max: That they have no clue about customer service!
Paul: Did you ask for the manager?
Max: Do you think I'd take that shit from a mere underling?
Max: I'm not entitled, I just have style!
Someone shouting from the back: Hey Karen, your golden glass...!