Virtual drinking was not that bad
In memory of covid-19 virtual meetings with friends for a beer.

Max and Paul are sitting at a table, each a beer glass in hand.
Max, excited, talking so agitated that he spews spittle towards Paul: Awesome! Finally back to drinking at a bar!
Paul, leaning back to escape Max' breath and spittle: Dude, how much garlic and raw onions did you...?!
Max brings his glass to his mouth in a wide motion, drenching Paul in beer as he does so: So, down the hatch!
Paul, trying to avoid the beer shower: Hey, careful!
Max, looking at his empty glass: The first one always goes quickly! Come on, drink up, I'll get another round!
Paul, holding up his glass and weakly protesting: But I still have...
As Max goes to get the next round, Paul sits at the table, drenched in beer, with a beer puddle on the table, and wonders: Thinking about it, drinking per video conference wasn't that bad after all...
Tags: bar mess video conference