Secret bar
Where only the locals go.

Paul stands next to Max who is reading a magazine.
Paul: Anything interesting in the Daily Brews? Or just the usual report on 10 breweries you'll never get even close to?
Max: Actually, yes! A review of the top 3 best kept secret craft beer bars around here!
Paul: Popperstank? That closed years ago!
Max: And that place changed owners and now sells only Lighty Light.
Max: That leaves us with the Saaz Saloon.
Paul: Never heard of that. Let's go!
As they approach the bar, Paul and Max find themselves at the end of a long line of hipsters.
First hipster: Daily Brew, you too? How ironic...
Second hipster: If the line gets longer it's too uncool.
Hipster girl: Like, dude, totally retro!
Max: Maybe it should remain a secret.
Tags: Daily Brews Saaz Saloon hipster