Kitchen cleanliness after a brew day
How kitchen cleaning varies by brewer experience level.

A dirty kitchen with a pot boiling over and lots of stains and puddles on the floor.
Paul, next to the pot: Can you get me the mop? My feet are stuck to the floor.
Jessica, at the kitchen table: Nice... after each brew day the kitchen gets cleaned.
A kitchen with stained newspapers on the floor, and a pot with some spills on the stove.
Paul, smiling and looking at the newspapers: Old newspapers on the floor make cleaning easy.
Jessica, at the kitchen table: Dang, the kitchen is almost as dirty as before brewing.
A somewhat clean kitchen, with a pot on the stove.
Paul, relaxed: Some little spots here and there...
Jessica, at the kitchen table: After brewing, the kitchen is as dirty as before, but at least the beer is great!
New home brewer vs experienced home brewer