It's gonna be beer
How has your worst brew day been? And what was the resulting beer like?

Brew day for Max and Paul.
Paul: Shoot! I forgot to buy Vienna malt...
Max: Let's just use the new Munich malt we have.
Paul looks into he malt bag: Aah! A new bag of malt and there are already insects in it!
Max: Extended protein rest at 125°F!
Paul shows the cordless drill: The battery of the drill for the mill craps out after ten minutes!
Max: Your mother was a toothpick!
Paul looking in the empty jar: The saaz hops jar is empty...?!
Max: Oh, sorry, that Helles the other day was so boring I had to hop it up a bit.
Paul: I used tap water and forgot to put in a campden tablet...
Max: No worries. It will be always be beer eventually.
Paul: Ok, good, cause I really need one right now.