I love brewing!
How excitement changes over the course of a brew day.

Max and Paul start their brew day.
Max: I love brewing!
Paul: Awesome! Here we go!
Max: Is that the right temperature? Smells weird. Or is it too cold?
Paul, stirring the brew pot: Come on, move, you sparge! Your mother was a cement block!
Max running towards the pot, from which thick bubbles of wort drop everywhere: Aah! It's boiling over! Help!
Max, looking at the dirty kitchen, pots and gear all over the floor, dripping with wort: This sucks.
Paul: What a mess.
Max, on his knees, scrubbing the floor: I hate brewing.
Paul with a pot on his head: Let's brew again next weekend!
With help from /u/datbeerdude.
Tags: homebrewing mess