Homebrewers vs professional brewers
Different motivation for homebrewers and pros.

A pie chart is labeled: Why I brew (home brewer)
A 10% slice is labeled: To stick it to big beer
Another 10% slice is labeled: Cheaper and better
A slice of about 205 size is labeled: To try crazy cool ingredients
The rest of the pie is labeled: Cool hobby
Another pie chart is labeled: Why I brew (professional brewer)
A tiny slice is labeled: I enjoy scrubbing tanks
The rest of the pie is labeled: To pay for rent and food
The next pie chart is labeled: Hops I buy by the pound (home brewer)
A 10% slice is labeled: what I use most
Another 10% slice is labeled: what I wanted to try out
The rest of the diagram is labeled: whatever is on sale
The next pie chart is labeled: Hops I buy by the pound (professional brewer)
The pie has only one slice, and it's labeled: whatever I can't get in bigger bags
A Venn diagram shows two overlapping circles. It is labeled: What I brew and what my buddies like to drink
The left circle on the Venn diagram on is labeled: cool ideas, experimental beers, with fruit and whatever I ran over, err across
The right circle is labeled: free beer
The last Venn diagram shows two circles that don't overlap. It is labeled: What I'd like to brew and what my customers like to drink
Left circle: simple pilsner
Right circle: hazy IPA #1672
Tags: brewing