Historical novel
Overturning Roe vs Wade is like prohibition: the rich can still get it, the poor are criminalized, black markets and crime flourish.

Max is sitting at his laptop when Paul comes in.
Max: I'm going to write a historical novel.
Paul: Cool, what is it about?
A sinister figure stands in front of storm clouds, a book in hand, pointing towards heaven. a Max explains: A small group of extremists forces a whole country under their yoke...
A pair of eyes behind a door's sliding window: Need some?
Max: Gangsters, violence, contraband...
Woman to another woman in front of the door: Don't take it! You never know what's in it!
Max: People file for bankruptcy
Crime on the rise! Overcrowded prisons!
Max continues: Previously legal businesses are forced to close. Tax income plummets. Corrupt politicians line their pockets.
Paul: Dramatic! 1920s, prohibition?
Max: Almost. 2020s, Roe vs Wade overturned.