First time here
Remember your first time in that special store?

Paul and Max arrive at a store.
Paul: I've never been here... let's see!
The sign above the door reads: Not All Hop Is Lost
As soon as Paul and Max enter the store, they're floored.
A sign on the wall reads: NO Stairway to heaven
Label on a can: Grassy Giant DMS-Extract
Paul: Look at all these yeasts! And none for baking!
Max: I never knew there were so many kinds of pots!
Paul: Look at this shiny all chrome baby!
Max: Wow! Crazy! A piece of pipe!
While Paul and Max sit in a brew pot pretending it's a boat and paddling with a mash paddle, a mildly smiling store clerk asks: I take it this is your first time here?
Tags: homebrew store