First meeting
What to expect? How will it be?

Max and Paul make it to their first meeting with the Salads, the local homebrew club, at a local bar.
Paul: Hi, we're looking for the Salads and didn't bring any beer.
Bartender: Sure...they're in the back room.
Max: I bet this just a few guys and we're the only ones with beer.
Dan: Hey, I'm Dan! Welcome to the Salads!
Max: Hello, we got some beer!
Dan: Cool, come on in and put your beer on the table with all the others.
Homebrewer: Prickly pear? You too? Saw it next to the road. The only question was: pale ale or weizen as the base beer?
Homebrewer: Don't look, drink. BJCP snob!
Homebrewer: For this beer I did a cooperation with Flat Tire. They brew it, I drink it!
Homebrewer: I always wear my Beerkenstocks when I'm brewing.
Homebrewer: I stopped drinking while brewing. Somehow I always came out at a loss.
Dan: The table over there may have some space.
Homebrewer: Dude, I'm soo clumsy! I have amazon prime automatically send me a new hydrometer every month!
With help from Matt Dunegan.