Caramunich in a Märzen
Some people just overthink everything.

At the meeting of the Salads, the local homebrewer's club, Paul asks some homebrewers about a märzen recipe.
At the Salads homebrewer's meeting
Paul: How much caramunich do I need in a märzen?
One homebrewer: 5 gallons märzen? About a pound.
Other homebrewer: Where do you live? What water plant? Did you get a water profile? Let's see if that is online.
What is the grain bill?
Well, that depends!
Other ingredients? Unmalted grain?
Third homebrewer: How much other cara malts?
Original gravity? Expected alcohol?
How do you brew? Infusion? Decoction? How many steps?
Which hops and how long?
One homebrewer: It's gonna be beer...
Other homebrewer: Exactly 454g, give or take. We'd need more details for a more precise answer.