Comics on (craft) beer, brewing, and everything else

New comic on Fridays when I feel like it

Sweet folly of youth

Ever tried to give a kid a bitter-sweet truffle chocolate?


At the Salads meeting, the meeting of the local homebrewer's club, Paul and Max offer their lager to another homebrewer.

Home brewer: You cannot brew a Lager without controlling fermentation temperature!

Max: Sure I can, and in fact I did! Just try it!

Home brewer: Ok, if you have developed any sense of taste and know your off-flavors, you cannot.

Home brewer: Oh, what would I give to shed the wisdom of age for just a few beers, and enjoy the sheer folly of youth with its raw uneducated rush of flavors!

Max: Was that guy impressed by our beer or by us?

Paul: Was that guy impressed at all?

Max: Do we even care?

Tags: Salads meeting off-flavor

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