Kids in a brewpub
Is it ok to bring kids to a brewpub?

Max sits at a table in the brewpub.
Max: Buuuurp!
Karen: Gee, thanks, sir! I'm trying to teach my kids some manners...
Kids: Teehee!
Wow, man burped! You hear?
Karen: ...which you obviously don't have! It's a shame how some people behave in public! There are kids here! Have you been drinking?
Kids: Again! Again!
More burp!
Karen: People like you ruin the whole experience for everybody! Says on yelp this is a kid-friendly place, so get out of here with your rude beer drinking bad manners!
Karen: Come on kids, we're going to talk to the manager.
Kids: Do it again!
Paul: Huh, kids in a brewery... here's your beer.
Max: Thanks.
Max: You know, I don't mind the kids. Just keep the parents out.
Paul: Burp.